
3 Ways the Construction Industry is Getting Greener

We’re currently going through a time of unprecedented climate change. As the world around us is transforming, it’s vital that we all do our part to help minimise damage and impact to the environment. While this can be done on an individual level, the bulk of the responsibilities lie with big brands and businesses, as these are often the largest carbon contributors. In this guide, we examine how the construction industry is getting greener. Read on to learn more.

construction greener

Sustainable Materials

The construction industry relies on materials. With these essential building blocks, projects would go uncompleted. However, many of the materials used in modern construction are environmentally harmful. The production and processing involved with these materials can generate toxic waste chemicals.

One of the most important ways in which the construction industry is going green is through the use of sustainable materials. An excellent example is the use of precast concrete for things like precast retaining walls. Precast concrete has a significantly smaller carbon footprint when compared to other options.

Other sustainable materials that are helping the construction industry go greener include recycled plastics and sustainable woods like bamboo. We’ll likely see these materials become increasingly commonplace in the future as green working practices become more important.

Supply Chain Optimisation

Construction companies rely on supply chains for the delivery and transport of the materials used in projects. Often, these supply chains can be long and complex, crossing numerous jurisdictions and transporting large quantities of materials via a range of different transport methods.

These supply chains can be serious sources of carbon emissions, especially when they involve international air travel. Aviation accounts for approximately 2.4% of global carbon emissions, a total that must be reduced if we want to tackle the climate crisis.

In an effort to go greener, we’re seeing construction companies take steps to optimise their supply chains. By focusing on shortening routes and reducing the frequency of deliveries through more efficient stock and material management, construction companies can limit the impact their supply chains have on the environment.

The use of blockchain technology is proving effective for supply chain optimisation. Supply routes can be tracked through blockchain networks, and potential logistical issues can be easily identified and addressed before they have a chance to cause major disruption.

Reducing the Use of Cash

The final point on our list of ways in which the construction industry is going greener is reducing the use of cash. Unlike other sectors, the construction industry is still a heavy user of cash, but this has started to change in recent years.

The production of coins and paper bills has a serious environmental impact. By comparison, digital payments are far more sustainable. We’ve started to see more construction firms make the switch to digital payments, which offer a number of additional security and efficiency benefits as well.


Going green should be a top priority for industries all over the world, and the construction sector is certainly no exception. Thankfully, we’re seeing construction companies take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. The primary steps they are taking to do so include the use of sustainable materials, supply chain optimisation and reducing the use of cash