
5 Tips For Growing Your Social Media Accounts Organically

Social media is a great tool to help business owners expand their online presence, publish informative and authoritative content, and, most importantly, engage with their customers. Having a strong social media strategy can grow your business exponentially.

social media strategy

Using an organic approach to help grow your social media accounts results in authentic engagement and true consumer loyalty.

But first, to grow your social media accounts, you need to master your social media strategy.

Whether you’ve recently started your own business or work in-house, here are 5 top tips to organically grow your social media accounts.

Consistent & Captivating Content

Creating content is one of the most important aspects of growing your social media account. Users tend to gravitate towards consistency. This includes consistency in the type of content shared and the frequency with which it is posted.

You will find that social media users are more likely to engage with a post if they know the type of message or branding experience they are signing up for.

Your content has got to be consistent; it has to be exciting! Whilst consistency is key; you should remember the old age saying quality over quantity.

Planning, identifying and researching one’s target audience and keeping an eye on the competitors are just a few ways to create meaningful content.

Engage & Acknowledge Your Followers

Would you keep talking to someone who never returned your messages? Probably not. The same works for customers.

Users will not want to communicate with you or follow your brand on social media if they receive no benefit. That’s why it’s crucial to interact with your followers on social media.

If you want to create a social media presence, you must turn your accounts into a community. That isn’t to say if someone comments on one of your posts, you must respond, but at the very least, you should like it.

You may also use posts to ask and answer questions and acknowledge and share user-generated content to show your appreciation to your followers and customers. Engaging with your followers will help you develop authentic relationships and boost your social media presence.

Establish Your Niche

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “jack of all trades, master of none” before. This is true not only in business but also in content marketing.

Defining your niche is preferable so that even your customers know your values, which helps you stand out.

Monitor Your Competitors

Other successful competitors’ social media accounts can be great blueprints for beginners. Keep an eye on accounts that have a similar audience target as you. Have a look at what is working for them? What type of posts generates the most engagement for them?

When looking to increase growth organically, there are many challenges to getting your business off the ground. However, studying what has worked and, most importantly, why it works can help you understand the best ways to grow your account.

Choosing The Right Social Media Platform

It is very tempting to be active on all social media platforms, but do all platforms benefit your business?

Knowing which social media platform works best for your business is essential. For example, Instagram/Facebook may be a good platform if you own a clothing business or sell jewellery products. Still, if you are offering a service, it may be best to use Linkedin due to its professional audience.

Another tip is to focus on the platform that delivers the best results. Although this is not something you would necessarily know when you first start using social media, you may need to give it a few months to monitor results. But once you’ve identified the platform for you, you can determine what needs to be done to organically push your social media account.

Ultimately have fun with it; social media should be used to spread positive messages and show your brand’s personality. Using these five tips, you lay the groundwork in terms of strategy, but if you find something that works, stick with it. Don’t be afraid to get involved in the conversation.