
Starting a job in a new city? 5 tips to help you relocate

Starting a new job is stressful enough – let alone relocating to a brand new city as well. Here’s your go-to checklist to help you get organised.

Moving jobs can be a hectic experience. Pair that with moving to a new city and it’s enough to fill anyone with dread. To make life a little bit easier, Alex Eid, CEO and founder of homie, has pulled together five top tips to help you get ready for the big move.

1) Choose the location first

Your choice of area should be the first decision you make and the more specific you can be about your needs, the easier this decision will be. The key is to find a commutable location that also matches your leisure needs.

When it comes to the commute it’s important to have a journey you’re comfortable with because you’ll likely be making it up to ten times a week if you’re new role is a full time one. You can use apps such as Citymapper to show you the best route to and from work. If you want to walk, it’ll estimate the time and even tell you how many calories you’re likely to burn. It will also update you on the transport status, travel prices and has a customisable option which enables you to explore the city.

When considering your leisure needs, ask yourself how you’d like to spend your evenings and weekends. Do you want green spaces nearby or do you want a bustling high street? Do you prefer to browse culture or play sports on the weekend? How close is the nearest supermarket?

Researching online is a great place to start but there’s no substitute for actually visiting the area in person to see if it feels like an area you can call home.

2) Picking the right property

Once you’ve decided on your location, next you need to find your ideal home. Choosing the right property can be a minefield when moving to a new city. Scrolling through endless listings, making multiple trips to different properties and dealing with the fast-paced rental market are struggles you’d rather avoid.

The first factor to consider is your budget – set a strict budget and stick to it. Be clear on any additional costs such as council tax or service charges. If you haven’t allocated for these they can come as nasty surprises at the end of the month!

A good tip is to make sure you’re checking out ground floor flats. These tend to be better value for money as they’re generally more spacious – plus they often boast higher ceilings and outdoor space too.

If you are pressed for time, or don’t know anyone in the area, it’s worth looking up services that specifically help you move to a new area, such as homie, which pairs renters with their very own local home finder – a Homie. The Homie will help you find a property which best matches your criteria, assisting every step of the way, offering unbiased advice whilst attending the house viewings with you too.

3) Getting your application accepted

With increasingly crowded and competitive property rental markets, it’s worth differentiating yourself from other potential tenants to get ahead of the game.

Why not send a short intro about yourself so the landlord can get a sense of who you are and what you do? Landlords want to know that their property will be in safe hands so say how much you love the building and furnishings and how you plan to take care of them during your stay.

It’s a people business after all so building a rapport with your landlord rather than just simply sending over an offer, could make all the difference.

4) How to manage your bills

So, you’ve now found a place to live, but what about all the life admin that comes with moving?

Think bills, banking and utilities. They’re an important part of your move to a new city – and you could be saving some cash by getting on top of it all.

Avoid costly bank account transfers and withdrawing your cash for a fee if you’re moving abroad. Do your research and check how to set up a bank account in your new city, otherwise it could get expensive. Monzo is a great option to consider, already offering online only banking for Londoners with free payments abroad.

It can be tricky and time-consuming setting up and managing your household bills –  apps such as Acasa are useful for taking control of your bills as they let you manage them all in one place.

5) Plan for the worst, hope for the best

Whether it’s booking flights, looking into schools, or finding how you’re going to transport your belongings it’s better to make a start on moving arrangements as soon as possible as they will always take longer than you think.

If you’re moving abroad allow even more time to plan. Will you be moving to a country that requires a visa? Is your passport close to expiry? Do you have all your important paperwork? Take time to understand any visa conditions you may have and the cost of obtaining these documents – government websites are usually a handy place to start.

Whether moving abroad or just to another city, there are many logistics to consider and you won’t think of everything at once. Apps like Todoist are great for writing down jobs and setting deadlines for when they need to be done by. If you’re moving with a partner or family, you can share your lists so everyone can be kept up to date on progress in real time. Teamwork makes dream work!