
Services and technology available to help small businesses thrive in the service industry

For a service business to work, a customer-centric approach must always be in effect. No lapse of judgement can be tolerated here, as the cash flow is almost entirely dependent on them. While the UK service industry has experienced a boost in recent times, success is never guaranteed, and things can U-turn at the drop of a hat.

To better retain those customers, any advantages that other services and technology can provide should be grasped with both hands. Consequently, here’s a few examples of both that can help a small service business thrive in their competitive industry.

Cloud storage

If a company is providing delivery services or collecting data of any kind from a customer, it all needs to be safeguarded. Of course, employee information needs to be protected too; earnings, addresses, names and ages. In the end, it’s a lot of data that all needs to go somewhere and filing cabinets and word documents aren’t foolproof methods of storage.

While there’s been some debate over the safety of cloud storage systems, the technology is a better if slightly flawed way for storing company data. They can be password protected, only allowing authorised access to encrypted files. Additionally, the information can be easier to access for approved personnel through a computer or smartphone, building a collaborative storage method where responsibilities can be shared.

Social media

Most customers who employ the services of a hospitality business rarely do it alone. After all, they’re likely looking for a good time with their friends and family. Consequently, it’s important for a customer facing business to stay on trend with the times so that they can better engage with their customers and boost their marketability.

Of course, when a small service business starts growing, the opportunities to address each customer concern becomes thinner and thinner. Minor queries get mixed in with the company crippling complaints, and there’s no way to really sift through the information to unearth the more important matters. Or is there?

The first place a customer will go to when they have an issue is likely, the service business’s company website. They’ll look for the company’s contact information to ping off a sternly worded letter or a few mild criticisms. Instead of assigning staff to deal with each one that comes through, an automated chatbot can assume some of these responsibilities instead. They can be programmed to answer a few basic and minor questions, saving time and resources for everyone.

Equipment repairs

Service businesses rely on a great deal of machinery to perform well. For example, they have dishwashers, boilers, deep-fryers, ovens, etc. Still, bigger service businesses are in a better position to compensate if one of their machines breaks down, as they’ll likely have others to work with. At worst this will stall their productivity for a while. Of course, for smaller service businesses with less expendable equipment, it’s a different story.

Still, hope isn’t lost in the event of a breakdown. Companies such as JLA offer commercial equipment repair services, meaning company machinery can always be tended to in the event of an emergency. Moreover, they can supply new equipment too! They understand that the smooth functioning of a firm is essential, and they make it their priority to get any company up and running again as soon as possible.