How to make a great first impression in your next job interview
The way that you conduct yourself during your interview, whether you are nervous or brimming with confidence, often has a large impact on what the results of your interview end up being.
No matter how much preparation, research, and career-coaching you conduct prior to an interview, you can still fall short of your potential employer’s expectations if they view you as too nervous or hesitant. In order to be properly prepared for your next interview, it is important to avoid common job interview mistakes.
Often employers are looking for reliable employees who are confident in themselves and their skills – not individuals that aren’t reliable and steadfast. Even if interviews wrack your nerves to the point of breaking, there are still a few things to consider that could help you make a great first impression in your next job interview.
1. Make sure to turn up on time
One of the first useful tips to consider for your next job interview is turning up on time for your interview slot. If you arrive too early you may seem overeager, and arriving late certainly is a red flag to your interviewers. In order to prove that you are punctual and reliable, it is best to arrive right on time for your interview.
Just like when turning up for a job shift, turning up late for your interview doesn’t give a good first impression of your time keeping. Be sure to organise your travel to the interview in advance and be mindful of any traffic or delays that might hold you up on your way there. Make sure you allow yourself ample time to arrive for an interview, and if late, make sure to promptly explain why to your interviewer.
2. Always wear appropriate interview attire
Though it may seem obvious, wearing inappropriate clothing to an interview can be your downfall, even if the interviewer otherwise likes you. Your clothes will be the first thing your interviewer will notice of you, and once a first impression is made it is often hard to change. It is always best to dress smart for an interview with a smart shirt, trousers, and shoes. Some businesses may use formal wear, however some might be more business casual instead. If in doubt, you can always ask what the interview attire requirements are before attending.
To help you make a good first impression, there are many ways that you can update your outfit so that you’re interview-ready. A new jacket or even a statement piece are just some ways that you can upgrade your personal style in preparation for your next interview. Job interviews can prove to be very nerve-wracking experiences for many people. However, with the right research and preparation, you can be sure to leave the right impression on your interviewer. First impressions are of great importance when interviewing!
3. Be well prepared in advance
Before attending an interview, one of the most important things that you need to do is to conduct some research into the company. To be prepared in advance, you can research the company website, the position you are interviewing for, and even the person who is interviewing you. It is always best practice to read through your job description thoroughly before your interview date. You should also be aware of potential interview questions and be prepared to answer them and also prepare some questions that you can ask yourself too. Seeming unprepared during an interview is one of the worst outcomes that can occur.
Another important practice to follow is to always bring a copy of your resume with you. Even if your interviewer has a copy already, you will look prepared and ready for the interview as well as any questions that may be thrown at you. Making sure that your CV is up to date and tailored for the job role you are applying for are just some ways that you can create an effective CV for your next interview. If your interviewer doesn’t have a copy on hand, you providing them one will certainly improve their opinion of you.