
5 instant advantages of using employee scheduling solutions

What are employee scheduling solutions

Employee scheduling can be a painful and tiring experience, especially when you’re the one managing all your employee’s time. Whether that’s ensuring they have enough work, they know which days to come in, scheduling in and around their absences, the list goes on.

employee scheduling

And this is in the best-case scenario: when something doesn’t go according to plan, you’ll have to start working out the schedule all over again; playing phone tag with employees and possibly making a fair few errors in the process.

However, it doesn’t need to be that way! Scheduling can be a completely painless experience and completed in minutes. Here are some of the advantages of taking on scheduling software.

5 advantages of employee scheduling solutions

  1. Utilize time better

When you use scheduling software you can also track the amount of time spent on tasks. The right software will even allow you to specify which person is on the task, so you can set them goals according to their ability.

When you have scheduling software in place, you can track your employees’ work patterns. This can help you with shift optimization, as well as assist you when it comes to payroll, and avoid breaking any labor laws.

  1. Real-time changes

Running a business means your schedule can take hours of your time to create, and yet still be prone to:

  • Constant changes
  • Employees calling in sick
  • Over and unbooking staff

And more. This is all a natural part of running a business, but makes huge demands on your time with every need for a change to the schedule. For example, your worker calls in sick, and without scheduling software, you have to begin scheduling all over again. However, when you choose the right tool, with only a couple of clicks (and a few minutes), you’re back on track. Employee scheduling apps such as Connecteam can help you schedule in minutes and take out the hassle. Connecteam is known by businesses as their right-hand man because it allows you to:

  • Spot scheduling conflicts before they happen
  • Avoid double scheduling
  • Add pictures, videos, detailed notes onto the shift
  • Drag and drop previous schedules, or save them as templates for later use

And so much more (including integrations with supported payroll software, so you can speed up your payroll processes too!).

With Connecteam you cut out the headache and confusion for both you and your employees. This is because all of you have access to the schedule, and you can easily update and change anything that’s needed in just a few clicks. Therefore, any changes can be seen in real-time without you needing to chase people, you can simply fill in the shift with who’s available or leave it open for employees to claim for themselves. Employees will enjoy the freedom and feel they have more control over their working times, especially when it comes to their unavailability.

Connecteam is an all-in-one business and employee management app, with seamless tools including a self-serve employee time clock, task management, chat features, and so much more.

  1. Efficient recruitment

When you have all the information of how many people are working on each shift, you also know how many employees you require per shift. Recruitment is easier, as well as employee training. You can easily schedule your seasoned employees with your newer hires, to ensure a smooth shift.

  1. Staff retention

If your business is in an industry that is known for high turnover, scheduling tools could help you retain your employees for longer. An inconvenient, ill-prepared or error-full schedule can quickly upset your employees and make them want to leave, especially when they aren’t sure what days they are working. With a well-thought out and organized schedule, your employees will likely be more motivated and happier, and maybe even want to work harder because they are appreciated.

  1. Better communication

Communication is everything in the workplace, and when it doesn’t happen you can start to see and feel the cracks. When you are scheduling with pen and paper or Excel, you’re likely to make costly mistakes – costly in terms of finances, but also in terms of your time and your employee satisfaction. When you have the right scheduling software, your employees can feel more appreciated.

The true benefits of scheduling software

As a business owner, you always want your employees to be in the loop with the way your business operates. Therefore, when you’re still using traditional methods, they just can’t keep up with our modern society. However, from all the advantages we’ve covered, it’s clear to see that scheduling software offers your company a lot more than just scheduling.

When you schedule your employees fairly, your staff will appreciate you for taking them into consideration. You cut out any possible errors, everyone knows when they are working, and most of all you keep down your costs. When you weigh it all up, scheduling software is an investment to your success.