
How to get the most out of your business smartphone

You’ve all got smartphones that you use for business. You take calls, send messages to your team, check emails, etc. It’s an incredibly powerful tool that basically helps you run your business on the go.

But, what if I told you there were ways you could get even more out of your smartphone? Follow the advice below, and you’ll soon have a business smartphone that serves your business perfectly…

business smartphone

Use voice assistants

Siri and Alexa might seem like cheesy features, but they present benefits to business people. You should start taking advantage of these voice assistants to help improve your daily productivity. Asking Siri to respond to text messages or emails can allow you to reply to more people in a shorter space of time. It’s much easier and quicker to speak than it is to type.

Plus, these assistants provide hands-free capabilities for you as well. So, you can still reply to messages while you’re in the car, or you can get your assistant to search for a client’s location and pull up sat-nav directions for you to follow. Life becomes more convenient when you use your voice!

Choose a smart data plan

Let’s face it, most business smartphone plans are all about data these days. You don’t really need texts or minutes as you can make calls and send messages over the internet. Instead, you need a plan that gives you enough data to go about your business without worrying about running out of precious gigabytes.

So, to get the most out of your phone, ensure you’re on a plan that provides you with more than enough data. Check your average use, then take out a plan that suits you. But, if you look at sites like, some networks allow you to get money back for any data you don’t use. This can be beneficial for your business as you essentially get some extra cash if you don’t use up all your data. It might not seem like much, but imagine you get a fiver back each month. That’s £60 per year, which you can put towards things like office equipment, paper, or even a night out with your employees to boost morale!

Download cross-platform apps

Cross-platform apps let you do something on your phone, then carry on doing it on another device. An example of this is Google Docs; you can start a document while you’re on your computer, then keep working on it while you’re on the train home.

As you can imagine, this boosts your daily productivity. The mistake a lot of people make is they download apps that are exclusive for smartphones. So, you can only use them when you’re on there. But, a calendar app that syncs with your tablet or computer will be so much more productive than one that only appears on your phone. Likewise, using a messaging service like Hangouts is better than using WhatsApp as it’s too complicated to get WhatsApp on desktop devices.

With these three tips, your business smartphone will bring more joy to your business. Improve productivity by using voice assistants and cross-platform apps, then save money with the right data plan.