
Building flexibility to change into an organisation

In the fast-paced modern world, it is vital for the small business to be flexible. Failure to adopt flexibility to change can result in failure.

It is a something of a given that there will always be rapid changes in both the technology that we use and the economy – any little thing can have a very significant impact, and this means that in order to adapt to these changes as and when they occur organisations, no matter what size they are need to be flexible. This will give them an advantage over those companies that choose to not adopt flexibility to change.

As any change management expert will tell you; not only will this make you more competitive but open you company to several other advantages.

Improved efficiency

Even when you think that your current processes are working fine, as a more flexible company you are more likely to trial new methods and processes. A flexible company is always looking ways that will make things more efficient and cost effective than they already are. It may be that you have attended change management training and have learnt some new practises that you would like to put into place or you may simply feel that a different way of doing things might pay off. Whichever it is, being flexible can have huge benefits when it comes to improving your efficiency.

Enhanced competitiveness

If your organisation has become mechanistic and rigid, then you may struggle to adapt. This might be okay when the challenges that come along are small but when something far more challenging comes along it can be too much and cause major issues for your organisation dealing with change. One thing that makes you more competitive is technology and to stay at the top of your game you need to ensure that you keep up to date. Of course, introducing new technology can be disruptive but with the right introduction and good training for your employees there really is no need to fall behind.

It is always better to embrace the changes and respond to them and evolve rather than sticking with what you know and are comfortable with which might find you falling behind.

Improved team building

When your organisation has a more flexible structure then you will get more from your workforce, you can play to their individual strengths and talents. It is important to remember that all employees are different and have completely different skill sets. A good manager will know exactly how to bring all these different talents together to unite them with the same end goal; productive work goals and success with whatever it is you are undertaking.

Uniting your team in this way gives you a unit that is incredibly flexible and can cope with whatever is thrown at them. Being able to work in this way of course means that your organisation can work in a much more effective manner.

Growing faster

Ultimately if you want your organisation to be able to grow faster and keep pace with the other companies in your field then you must be as flexible as possible to survive in an incredibly competitive marketplace.

Building flexibility to change into your organisation isn’t always the easiest of tasks but it could significantly give you the edge over more rigid businesses if there are unexpected changes in the market.