
WIN Executive Time Management Coaching worth over £500

Making Business Matter and Darren A. Smith are giving away three 30 minutes of telephone Time Management Executive Coaching to help you improve yourself and your business this New Year.

time management

You can find out what others think of their Time Management Coaching by reviewing their video testimonials.

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Darren A. Smith has been training time management for over 14 years. He claims to have been an inbox junkie, just like the rest of us. Arriving at his office in a corporate company he too opened his emails, thinking he’d just see who had emailed him. And like us, he looked up at 10.25am and ran to his first meeting. His day had begun and ended like most others, working late. Getting the ‘real work’ done when everyone else had gone home.

His ‘67 Time Management Tips to Quickly Increase Your Productivity‘ have been read, shared and loved by many, whilst his white paper on time management is being reviewed as a ‘game changer’. You can download his white paper called, ‘Take the 7 Week Time Management Challenge’ for free. It requires steely determination, an open mind, and a willingness to change. Not everyone will make it!

A big fan of Stephen Covey, the author of ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, Darren helps people to take a step back and look at their time management system. He says that most people laugh when he says that, because they say that they don’t have a system. He says that they do. they got to work, they hold down a job, their kids are happy. They have a system. They might not think that it is a great system, but they have a system.

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