
What Are The Statistics Surrounding Worker Fatigue?

Worker fatigue is prevalent across all industries and can present itself in many ways. But in physically tiring and laborious jobs, like construction work, fatigue presents far more than a risk to productivity – it can create a potentially unsafe work environment that can lead to accidents and even fatalities. That’s why some industries have opted to bring aboard fatigue management solutions to keep workers safe, productive and happy.

Worker Fatigue

But what do the statistics on worker fatigue tell us? Is it a greater threat than most realise, and how can fatigue management soften the blow and help prevent unpleasant situations?

What is Fatigue?

Fatigue can be described as a feeling of constant burnout – both mentally and physically – and is often caused by a combination of lifestyle and psychological factors. For example, those who work in manually difficult jobs are prone to fatigue due to the excessive physical exertion required when compared to non-laborious jobs. These include such people as construction workers, mechanical labourers, factory shift workers, etc.

Fatigue can also be caused by mentally and emotionally straining work where there are a lot of important decisions to be made. People who suffer fatigue in these instances include doctors and nurses, business managers, CEOs, solicitors and those in similar high-pressure roles.

Poor mental health and a lack of sleep are also common causes of fatigue, with the less-than-favourable mental state often presenting itself with physical symptoms, like light-headedness, drowsiness and overall weakness.

The Statistics on Worker Fatigue

69% of workers report feeling “tired” at work, according to a report focussing on “safety-critical industries” by the National Safety Council, while 13% of injuries sustained in the workplace can be attributed to worker fatigue, according to research featured by the same source.

While this may sound like a small figure compared to the remaining 87% of injuries, it is important to note the increased safety risks associated with physically demanding jobs, and the heightened risk of injury to both the fatigued worker in question and those working around them as a result of preventable accidents caused by fatigue.

According to an article featured by, “fatigue is a known risk factor in motor vehicle and workplace accidents,” and can present itself with several symptoms that, if left unchecked, raise significant concerns in an environment where worker safety is already at risk. These include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Sore or aching muscles
  • Muscle weakness
  • Slowed reflexes and responses
  • Impaired decision-making and judgement
  • Impaired hand-to-eye coordination
  • Blurred vision
  • Hallucinations
  • Poor concentration

In many roles, like office desk jobs, these symptoms would not pose an immediate threat to the safety of the individual or their fellow workers. But in roles like construction and factory work, where level-headedness, quick response times, accuracy and strength can prove to be the difference between life and death, these symptoms must be identified and eliminated as quickly as possible.

Do Bosses Recognise the Seriousness of Fatigue in Their Workers?

Given the danger it poses to workers across all industries (but especially in safety-critical industries), it is essential for employers to not only be aware of the threat posed by fatigue but to act on it. Thankfully, certain statistics seem to show this is the case.

90% of employers have recognized the negative impacts fatigue has had on their organisations, which includes noting rises in accidents and drops in employee productivity, according to the same report featured above by the National Safety Council. While this is positive news, the report also highlights a concerning shift in opinion between employers and employees.

The same report states that only 72% of workers see fatigue as a serious issue, in stark contrast with those above them in the working hierarchy. However, given the number of workers dealing with fatigue regularly, and given a large percentage of them may not have experienced a serious fatigue-related accident as of yet, their lack of concern is understandable. With 30% of workers reporting “frequent fatigue” while at work, according to a study featured by the National Library of Medicine, fatigue may have even become the natural working state for some – which is a very worrying thought.

Fatigue Statistics Highlight the Need for Fatigue Management Solutions

If the above statistics are to be taken seriously, businesses everywhere should be taking action to combat fatigue within their respective workforces and, in turn, lower the risk of severe accidents and raise productivity.

While office-based companies can employ methods such as scheduled rest periods, safety-critical industries like construction must take a more proactive approach to ensure their workers are as fatigue-free as possible and are fit to be on the worksite.

Modern, digital fatigue management solutions being used by several construction companies are designed to offer insight into relevant figures that could contribute to worker fatigue and flag any workers who may be suffering as a result. These include more obvious figures, like hours spent on the worksite, but also stretch to include things like commute time, which can also contribute to fatigue, as well as monitoring the number of rest days workers are taking.

By taking a proactive approach to fatigue management, construction companies can help keep their workforce alert, productive and safe.