
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure

A large percentage of domestic trash carries the potential to generate clean fuel. In order to separate inorganic plastics from what is degradable, the refuse is treated with large quantities of water. This reject, being high in water, is very expensive to handle logistically or even dispose of.

Majorly composed of degradable and organic trash, the same can be processed to yield sustainable energy. The primary obstacle merely being large volumes and transport, compactors are therefore crucial in setting up effective biogas plants by drastically reducing the volume and weight of discard. With reductions upwards of 70% depending on the nature of the waste, the condensed solids can then be collected and transported efficiently.

trash machinerySocietal trends: What are we leaving behind?

With rising awareness towards a sustainable future, consumption habits are shifting from non-recyclables to organics. This development towards a greener society points towards an increase in organic wastes in the coming future. Apt preparation in this regard will yield a smooth transition whilst working to offset carbon footprints across the board. With units capable of treating quantities of trash like 2000kg per hour on a 24/7 basis, modern compactors normally achieve up to 50-65 % of dry matter when treating food waste. Producers of bio-pulp from food waste optimize their plants significantly with this solution, as it allows them to reuse the extracted water in their system and save both resources and money.

The big idea

Not just limited to processing sewage, Screw Presses have a role in several industry sectors. The sludge dryer system of separating the liquid from solids is used in the paper industry (where water is extracted from cellulose fibre). In the chemical industry, screw presses are used in a range of processes, including those used for synthetic rubber, hydrated polymer, and sodium alginate. The food industry uses screw presses to extract alcohol from foods and water from waste food to convert it into animal feed. Modern technology has allowed engineers to devise a fully automated machine capable of independently operating non-stop. The round-the-clock treatment, when set up once can provide a steady trickle of returns with minimal supervision.

Towards a green future

Keeping the focus on environmental sustainability, maximizing the use of wastewater is crucial, especially in regions where there is low rainfall. By setting up a dewatering screw-process system, an industrial or municipal waste treatment facility can maximize the amount of water recycled for use; also minimizing the volume of sludge waste. Adding to that, storage space, additional transport, and energy costs are also reduced. This waste treatment solution, food waste compactor is one of the best options worth considering for an area that wants to conserve water efficiently.

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