
What Insurance Does an Electrician Require? 

Think you need to go to university to get a well-paying job? Think again. Learning a trade such as being a electrician, can set you on track to earn a substantial amount of money. Of all the trades, the average electrician’s salary is the highest in the UK. With an annual salary of £32,540, it’s clear there’s money to be made in the electrical field, which is why starting your own electrical business could be a lucrative decision.


However, before you open for business, it’s extremely important to obtain the necessary electrician’s insurance to protect you and your business in the event anything goes wrong. From insuring your premises to taking out professional indemnity cover, there are several different types of insurance you’ll need before you can take on any clients.

Here, we outline the main types of insurance you’ll need to work as an electrician in the UK.

Property Insurance

Property insurance will protect your business premises against loss, accidental damage, and theft. This will typically include cover for any items inside the property that are also affected, such as tools, equipment, and materials.

Keep in mind that property insurance is unlikely to cover anything related to your business that is lost, damaged or stolen outside of your business premises. It would be sensible to take out separate insurance to protect these items.

Electrician’s Insurance

Specialised electrician’s insurance will cover a range of different areas, all of which are extremely important for the protection of you and your business. Typically, electrician’s insurance will include cover for public liability and professional indemnity.

Public liability insurance will protect your business if a member of the public claims they’ve been hurt, or their property has been damaged by your business activities.

Professional indemnity insurance provides cover for your business’ loss if you need to compensate a client for damage as a result of poor service or advice.

There are likely to be other types of cover your business would benefit from, so it would be best to discuss your options with your insurance provider.

Cover for Your Tools and Van

Property insurance will only protect your tools from damage and theft if they are inside your premises at the time. Tool theft is not uncommon in the UK, so it’s vital to take out insurance to protect your vehicle from tool theft. Be sure to obtain insurance to protect your van too, as you’re unlikely to be able to work without a vehicle to get around.