
Why businesses should still invest in marketing during COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has increased the exponential use of the internet and caused business websites to decline in many industries. But does that mean you should stop investing so much on marketing? Absolutely not!

Even though the world is physically slowing down and the economy is standing still, businesses have to keep going. With everyone slowly adjusting to the new normal, it is only a matter of time that big and small companies will start to flourish again, but differently. Therefore any dynamic business needs to continue to invest in marketing during this COVID-19 pandemic.

An article published by Forbes magazine shows that companies invested in marketing came out on top. For example, a company like Kelloggs doubled its profit by 30% after the Great Depression. They took chances in brand marketing while others decided to pull out of the market for fear of declining consumers.

If you are still apprehensive about the risks, here are several reasons why you should invest in marketing at this time.

Needs and wants still exist

Just because everyone is locked up at home and are deprived of the freedom to do basic activities, their wants and needs have not diminished. In fact, people still want the same thing now as they did before the lockdown. It is just a matter of availability.

Online marketing and SEO marketing puts your company in the “available” radar, and as long as you stay relevant, customers will still search for you. In fact, online searches are becoming more rampant since people can no longer look for products physically. They spend a long time online and have more options to choose from.

Taking advantage of the wants and putting your product out there for them to see is crucial to ensuring that your company is still gaining traction.

Long-term benefits

Investing in online marketing strategies through SEO is a great way to gain leverage against competing businesses during this pandemic. With people searching for more items on the web, it is essential to curate your content and make it accessible to the consumers.

It is no longer sufficient to use old methods to gain traction. To stay on top of the game, you need to upgrade your tools and strategies with experts in online marketing. It can take over 5 to 6 months to gain steady benefits from these efforts. So while the physical market is slowing down, it is good to concentrate on online marketing to reap the fruits when the economy opens again.

Investing in content marketing is cost-effective

One of the main advantages of investing in SEO marketing during the COVID 19 phase is that it costs less than PPC marketing. It takes significant time to understand, to produce content, and to stay on top consistently. But with the economy slowing down, businesses have time to invest in this direction.

It is now possible to concentrate on building the quality of the brand by reaching for a higher SERP, creating quality backlinks, and generating social media followers and email subscribers.

By investing your time on ranking your business at the top and keeping a steady flow of organic traffic during this time, you will have a security net when the wheels are in motion.

Provides better customer insight

Investing in SEO analytics during the pandemic is also a smart move for companies looking to boost sales. These marketing tools provide valuable information about customers’ behaviors and their response to products. When you have precise data showing how customers respond to your products and contents, it makes a good strategy to plan your business.

Analyzing the organic traffic generated paves the way for companies to filter out which strategies work and which doesn’t. It helps them to put out relevant products that will not only encourage the customers but also boost brand awareness and value.

When customers are flooded with a plethora of products, it gets harder to convince them to purchase the product. By investing in marketing analytic tools, you can determine which goods are considered a luxury and which ones are necessities. Once you understand that, it gets easier to provide products that interest the consumers and reduce stock.

Captures local market

With the pandemic shutting down international and national transactions of goods and services, people are looking for local products. Now is the right time to invest in capturing your local market by using SEO marketing strategies.

Investing in local SEO will not only build online visibility but also increase ratings and reviews. This makes your business look more reliable and trustworthy. Besides that, it also pushes your listing ahead of other companies based on the ratings and reviews.

When you invest in SEO marketing to target your locality, the competition will also increase in your area. By providing a quality product and optimizing your business, you will create a brand that stands out against the rest in your area.

Increase conversions

In recent studies, most Google queries that include “near me” have grown by 150%, and more people are searching for things in their local area.

During this critical juncture in our economy, people are no longer looking for products with a long waiting list. Everyone is looking for things “near me.” The trend is to obtain information, goods, and services at the earliest. By branding your business as the top of the search list through strategic marketing, your relevance for every search will increase.  Regardless of what business you are in, investing in marketing strategy should be a priority now. More attention is needed to entice, engage, and experiment with potential customers to increase conversion rates.


For any business to survive now and post coronavirus, it is more important to invest in marketing to increase profitability. Search engines have spiked, and demands are the same, but there is urgency in localizing your relevance. While consumers’ behavior greatly influences business profitability, it is the company’s responsibility to provide accessible products.

So if you are wondering how you can keep your business afloat during this COVID-19 pandemic, start investing in online marketing. Consult experts, look through websites, or use marketing tools. These may seem unimportant if situations were normal, but during this modern pandemic, it is essential.