
How To Build Trust With Your Audience And Increase Sales As A Result

In an ever-competitive marketplace where the average consumer is bombarded by hundreds and hundreds of adverts on a daily basis, establishing your authority and building trust with your audience is becoming increasingly difficult (though not impossible).

trust audience

In this article we’re going to share some handy tips that can not only help you establish genuine trust with your audience, but also increase your sales as a result. Let’s get stuck in!

1. Understand Who You Are Marketing To

You’ve heard it a million times: “know your audience”. Well, there’s a lot of truth to that statement. When you truly understand who your target audience and ideal customer is, you’ll have a much, much easier time communicating with them.

Put it this way: who would you feel more comfortable putting your faith in:

  • A friend who doesn’t know all that much about you and frequently buys gifts that are completely unsuited to your personality.
  • A friend who buys you the perfect gift every single time!

Yes, in that scenario it is very much the thought that counts. However, when it comes to business, if you want your audience to trust you, you need to know who they are, what they want, and how to nurture them.

2. Produce High-Value Content

You can’t be trying to sell something at every step of the customer journey. If every time they encounter you on the internet it’s by way of a promotional ad, they’re going to grow tired of seeing your name pop up. However, if you are consistently producing high-value content that speaks to their needs and desires, you’re going to have an easier time keeping them engaged.

Again, know your audience and then produce content that speaks directly to them!

Additionally, when you are pumping out awesome content, you’ll also increase the likelihood of other businesses and marketers sharing and linking to your content, thus signalling to Google that yours is a website worth recommending.

3. Be Consistent

Consistency is key in building trust. This means maintaining a consistent brand voice, a consistent level of quality, and indeed consistent punctuality.

If your brand voice is all over the shop, you frequently publish low-value content, and you post sporadically without any real commitment, it’s going to reflect poorly on your brand.

Do you want people to trust you? You’ve got to earn it.

4. Keep Your Promises

This is true in many aspects of your business. Keep your promises:

  • Understand keyword search intent and meet expectations.
  • If you boast a certain quality of service, deliver that quality.

If somebody types your focus keyword into Google and then clicks on your website only to find very little in the way of information, or an otherwise irrelevant product or service, they’re not going to stick around.

However, if you clearly understand the search intent and exceed expectations when they arrive on your website, they’ll come to trust you and your ability to satisfy their needs.

And again, if you claim to be a leader in your industry, you darned-well deliver a quality service!

5. Develop a Portfolio of Case Studies & Reviews

It’s hard for the modern consumer to build trust – especially if they are encountering you for the first time. Which is why developing a portfolio of case studies & positive reviews can be so effective.

This marketing agency in Singapore is one to follow: with hundreds of case studies and even more 5-star reviews in Google, their prospective customers have a much easier time trusting them.

As the saying goes: “Self-praise is no recommendation” – so prove your capabilities and let your satisfied clients do the talking for you.