
5 best online business courses by Coursera

Online business courses are becoming more and more popular every year. Coursera is a platform that allows you to take an online course and earn a certificate for doing so.

Here is a list of the top five online business courses offered on this innovative platform.

online business courses

1.Financial markets with Bob Shiller – Yale University

One of the reasons why this course is rated as the best is because it is taught by Bob Shiller, who is the most recent Nobel Laureate in Economics. His understanding of how bubbles are created is second to none, and he is one of the most outstanding thought leaders in the economic world today.

In this course, he teaches the basic concepts of the financial markets and presents information relating to the many aspects of the leading financial institutions and what their future holds for society as they continue to evolve over the next several decades. This course is one of the best foundations you can get in order to understand the many components of the financial world and is absolutely essential for anyone who desires to be highly successful in these realms.

2. Economics of money and banking – Columbia University

This class is taught by Professor Perry Mehrling and consists of two seven week parts. This course examines the hierarchy of money and explains basic financial ideas. Some of the subjects covered include central banking, interbank lending, and clearing houses. However, the true brilliance of the information presented in this course lies within its ability to connect more obscure economic activities with basic accounting principles. Thus, this is a fantastic class for those who wish to gain a basic understanding of many of the more complex issues involved in the world of finance.

3. Introduction to corporate finance – University of Pennsylvania/Wharton

This course is highly rated because it is taught by Franklin Allen, who has created some of the most widely read books on this topic. In addition, he is a master of economics education and has decades of valuable experience. The information presented in this course is information that is necessary for those who already have the basics of accounting mastered. The topics presented in this course include analysing financial decisions and valuing various types of financial assets.

4. A beginner’s guide to irrational behaviour – Duke University

Dan Ariely, a best-selling author and one of the premier scholars studying the subject of behavioural economics, is the instructor of this class. This online course is highly recommended by many of those who have taken it and have found it to be an invaluable resource. Students are presented with a wide selection of instances where different individuals make decisions that are not consistent with basic economic principles. Insightful analysis about this type of behavior is then performed and applied to many different kinds of situations.

5. Introduction to operations management – University of Pennsylvania/Wharton

This course is taught by Christian Terwiesch, who is well known for his enormously popular books about operations management. Individuals who desire to eventually be able to manage a company should take this course. Some of the topics involved in this class include setting higher standards, increasing productivity, and being able to observe and improve business processes.

These are the main courses but not the only ones. You can find loads of business trainings and workshops that will boost your skills or you can address to such agencies like Custom Writings – writing company which can greatly help with business writing. So, go ahead and learn!

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